Faces USC Executive Candidates Make During Debates

If you’ve been to debates, you’ve seen the faces that candidates make when they listen to other candidates talk. Well then we have the video for you! A big shout out to Emerson Tithecott for sharing this video with us. In case you didn’t know, he is one of your Senators-at-Large as well as the Political Science Representative on the Huron University College Students’ Council (HUCSC). I think we have a YouTube star on our hands?

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The Social Science Presidential Debates in 12 Tweets

The best way to summarize the Social Science Presidential debates is through the world of twitter. We go from the highs to the lows, but in the end it seems that it helped some students really make a decision. Here are 12 tweets that help summarize the events of the night [which was surprisingly hard considering there weren’t too many tweets in general hence why there are a couple of tweet repeated].

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Putting the “Ex” In “Executive”

Editors Note: In order to broaden the scope of  articles, once again, the following article covers the Social Science Presidential election and not the USC Presidential elections.

I’m a little bit frustrated. I had originally set out to write a piece on the platforms on the three candidates running for Social Science President. However, after writing my analysis and criticism on their platforms, I was at 5000 words and completely frustrated. How I wish essay writing was this easy. Last year, I sat as the Vice President Communications on the Social Science Students’ Council and was pretty proud on the knowledge of the SSSC that I’ve amassed over the years. Whenever there was a question regarding policy or history of the SSSC, I was usually the first person to answer. As they say, those “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Running to replace Matt Helfand as the President of the Social Science Students’ Council are, in alphabetical order, Zoe Campbell, Lisa Le Nguyen, and Chris Williamson. Zoe and Lisa will have one year of experience as a voting member of the SSSC by April, while Chris will have none. But that didn’t stop Matt Helfand, who also came into the race with no experience, but quickly adapted into the position. But really, it’s not the path you take to get there, it’s the legacy you leave behind. Now for the skinny on the candidates and their platforms.

SSSC President

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Debate, Debate, Debate – Part 1

Tuesday was the day of debates for the USC Candidates. That’s right, for those of you who aren’t essentially involved with a student council here at “Western U” (really, I still can’t get over that…), the USC Presidential candidates had gone to, and I probably am missing a few as well, but they went to MITSC, Ivey, Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Health Science, and of course, Science.

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