An Interview with USC President Matt Helfand

New year means new USC executive! We decided to take advantage of their 3 day e-mail policy, and give them a chance to answer some questions -and hopefully reflect on their roles within student government. Things could get pretty busy for the USC executive, so we appreciate all of them taking the time to answer students. (Stay tuned for interviews with your VP Internal, VP External, and VP Student Events)


Tell us a bit about yourself:

Greetings, deVOTED readers! My name is Matt Helfand and I have the distinct pleasure of serving this year as president of your University Students’ Council. I studied political science during my time at Western, focusing on various aspects of political theory, international political economy and a bit of local government. This is my second year in student government, having served in 2012/2013 as President of the Social Science Students’ Council. I have also participated in the UWO Debate Society and varsity intramurals. Sadly, I’ve never won a purple shirt.

What are your goals for yourself as a leader? (i.e. How do you plan on staying grounded/focused/relaxed?)

One of the most important things for any leader is to be surrounded by a good team. I have a great team. The role of USC president is challenging and the job is a daunting task for anyone, myself included. I place a lot of trust in the people around me – in the rest of the USC executive, our student leaders, and our full-time staff. The role has significant responsibilities, privileges and duties that should not be taken lightly. Decisions can be difficult, and not everything can be a win.

All that being said, my goal is to take everything in stride, work as hard as I possibly can, and try and make the Western community proud. My capacity to genuinely do well by those around me keeps me energized and focused.

What are your goals for the USC this year? (Anything in particular that you wish you see change from last year?)

My team and I have many goals for the year with regards to the entire organization. A few priorities among our many goals are:
1. Rethinking of homecoming celebrations.
2. Creating a new process for the Student Services Committee, to enhance access to, and quality of, health and wellness services on campus.
3. Developing an Appeals Board for the USC.
4. Increasing the efficiency of Council meetings.

With a one-year term, there is only so much that can be accomplished and there are a lot of unanticipated issues that come up throughout the year. One thing that I do control is the type of president that I am. I hope to be remembered as a president who was visible, energetic, helpful to others and someone who gets s**t done.

Fun question! – what is your Spoke order?

Turkey Club w/ Sprouts on Jalapeno Cheddar Bagel.

How do you plan to keep students informed and engaged with what you are doing this year? (Be specific)

This year, we’re placing a big emphasis on student engagement in our budgeting and strategic planning process. Getting feedback from the broadest swath of the student body means we’ll be able to prioritize the USC’s long-term direction along the lines of what students really want.

On a personal note, I’ve committed to answering e-mails from all students within three business days. I hope that, for students across campus, knowing the President of the USC is fully accessible will mean a greater willingness to engage with the organization.

How do you maintain focus on your original platform goals while accommodating the administration’s long term/larger goals? (Can you speak to the progress of some of your platform promises i.e. the USC fee freeze, or education surrounding the student donation fee?)

One thing that I learned quite quickly is that the role of USC president, or any USC executive for that matter, is WAY bigger than a platform. That said, I have always been confident in the points put forth in the Team Helfand platform and I remain confident in the Team Helfand platform. We will release a more comprehensive platform progress report in the near future. But, since you asked, a little preview:

Homecoming: The reviews are still coming in, but I think it’s safe to say that the USC’s Homecoming Celebration on Concrete Beach was a huge success. Western students rocked out with Gord Bamford, enjoyed a pancake breakfast courtesy of Alumni Western and basically partied their faces off… In a responsible and controlled manner.

Base Fee Freeze: This point was #1 on the platform for a reason. I am unwavering in my belief that the USC should avoid raising the base fee as a means to provide specific services (inflation notwithstanding… I’m not former London Mayor Joe Fontana). My arguments today are the same as when I first sought to implement a USC base fee freeze in 2013. I believe they are adequately captured in these gazette articles:

USC Base Fee Freeze (part 1)

USC reviews Fee Freeze (part 2)

This is my opinion. While I may be president, I greatly respect the authority of the Council and the Board of Directors in the budgeting process. I recognize that for the freeze to be achieved, I will be required to present a compelling case as to why this is the best decision the USC can make for students. We’re at the beginning of our budgeting process now and I look forward to providing more information as that process plays out.

Education surrounding donation fees: Student Donation Fees are faculty specific, with each faculty responsible for administering opt-outs. We’re exploring different ways that the USC can support an educational campaign that will make sense for all students and we will be continuing to have a discussion with faculty presidents on the matter.

Appeals Board: As this is being written and published, a draft by-law that would establish a USC Appeals Board has passed our Governance Committee and has been submitted to council. I am so proud of how the draft turned out and I look forward to seeing the input from the Council as a whole.

Municipal Outreach: I want to acknowledge the amazing work of Jen, our VP External, in putting together an amazing campaign to “Get Out The Vote” for the upcoming municipal election. Keep an eye out for it over the next month.

Microwaves and Food Indicators: I also want to acknowledge Emily, our VP Internal, who has done an excellent job of fulfilling our promise to roll out more microwaves across campus and redevelop our campus food-labeling at the Wave & the Spoke to better inform students about their options. There are also a number of other projects that Emily has been actively pursuing, that we look forward to releasing in the future.

How do you plan to get the smaller things accomplished when you have to prioritize bigger tasks? (Good job on the microwave promise – it does not go unnoticed)

You are indeed correct to state that there are a lot of large priorities within the University. As USC president, I often have the privilege of engaging in these topics at a very high level. That said, I do my best to remember the little ways that I can use my role to enhance the experience of students. I like to call these little things proverbial ‘potholes’, with reference to the duty that municipal political leaders have to keep the roads in good shape. A pothole can be a small item of a municipal leader’s agenda, but it is something that greatly impacts constituents. I do my best to try and bounce back and forth between the high-level conversations and the small items. It can be a challenge, but if you surround yourself with the right people it can be accomplished.

If you can say one thing to the undergraduate students at Western, what would it be?

Avoid mediocrity and complacency – those things are boring.

Stages of Slate Candidates Prior to Results

The CRO is on the stage, about to read the results about who your NEW USC Executives will be. Will it be Team Belman or Team Helfand? Well we can’t tell you that yet, but we can tell you how they’ll be feeling the moments between when the CRO is up on the stage and when the winner is announced.

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The Ultimate Candidate

Every year students wonder to themselves, if there was the ultimate candidate, what would they look like? What colour would their hair be? How tall would they be? What kind of smile would they have?  Well luckily for you, we have managed to find the ultimate candidate. Or well candidates…Why have one when you have can multiple? Because it’s that time of year, the time where we bring together the wonderful qualities that each candidate brings and merge them together.

Resident writer, Kenjamin Nakanishi, would have normally done this article, it was his pièce de résistance last year but unfortunately he is currently off traveling the world, representing Canada proudly with Canada World Youth in Indonesia. We wish him the best and safe travels! Back to the ultimate candidate. What do they look like? Well it’s time to find out. Drum roll please.

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The Social Science Presidential Debates in 12 Tweets

The best way to summarize the Social Science Presidential debates is through the world of twitter. We go from the highs to the lows, but in the end it seems that it helped some students really make a decision. Here are 12 tweets that help summarize the events of the night [which was surprisingly hard considering there weren’t too many tweets in general hence why there are a couple of tweet repeated].

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What Makes a Platform ‘Just Right’?

An opinion piece by Christina-Markie Mammoletti

In recent years, the strategy used to succeed in a USC Presidential election has been dominated by the marketing and branding of the candidate over the substance of their platform. As someone who has worked on numerous campaigns over my time at Western and regularly seems to find myself drawn back in for numerous reasons (and not just out of pure interest), I have become well versed in why this change has occurred: student retention. I know not every student at Western gets giddy with joy in late January as campaign teams get their websites running at exactly midnight eagerly awaiting to invite their friends, however the interest of apathy of student engagement has forced USC campaigns to bend to their interests. But here is a novel idea, why don’t we look at the platforms first before we get soaked up in the videos, the free swag, and your friends that have drawn allegiances by flaunting their bag tags at you. I have not seen the videos, the debates, and I am largely removed from the teams, therefore my thoughts are solely based on the platforms. I want you to consider the policy reasons behind each candidate as I help break down their platforms and ultimately allow you to make your own decision. This year we have three different platforms from three different slates – which one is just right for you? We will find out…

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Putting the “Ex” In “Executive”

Editors Note: In order to broaden the scope of  articles, once again, the following article covers the Social Science Presidential election and not the USC Presidential elections.

I’m a little bit frustrated. I had originally set out to write a piece on the platforms on the three candidates running for Social Science President. However, after writing my analysis and criticism on their platforms, I was at 5000 words and completely frustrated. How I wish essay writing was this easy. Last year, I sat as the Vice President Communications on the Social Science Students’ Council and was pretty proud on the knowledge of the SSSC that I’ve amassed over the years. Whenever there was a question regarding policy or history of the SSSC, I was usually the first person to answer. As they say, those “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Running to replace Matt Helfand as the President of the Social Science Students’ Council are, in alphabetical order, Zoe Campbell, Lisa Le Nguyen, and Chris Williamson. Zoe and Lisa will have one year of experience as a voting member of the SSSC by April, while Chris will have none. But that didn’t stop Matt Helfand, who also came into the race with no experience, but quickly adapted into the position. But really, it’s not the path you take to get there, it’s the legacy you leave behind. Now for the skinny on the candidates and their platforms.

SSSC President

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Upcoming events!!!

Hey everyone!

Here is a list of some of the important events happening over the next two weeks. Each of these events will give you the opportunity to get to know the Current USC Presidential Candidates a bit better.

Check them out after the jump!

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