SSSC Elections 2014

We have a special tie with the Social Science Students’ Council, as we were members of it back in our days, which is why we are informing y’all on who is running for this year’s Executive Team and Department Representatives. It’s not that we don’t love all the other constituencies, but home is where the heart is!

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USC VP Student Events Candidates 2014

Here are the candidates running to replace Adam Smith as the University Students’ Council’s Vice President Student Events.

Role: To coordinate involvement and facilitate engagement of students in events, and programming to enhance the student experience.

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Stages of Slate Candidates Prior to Results

The CRO is on the stage, about to read the results about who your NEW USC Executives will be. Will it be Team Belman or Team Helfand? Well we can’t tell you that yet, but we can tell you how they’ll be feeling the moments between when the CRO is up on the stage and when the winner is announced.

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Putting the “Ex” In “Executive”

Editors Note: In order to broaden the scope of  articles, once again, the following article covers the Social Science Presidential election and not the USC Presidential elections.

I’m a little bit frustrated. I had originally set out to write a piece on the platforms on the three candidates running for Social Science President. However, after writing my analysis and criticism on their platforms, I was at 5000 words and completely frustrated. How I wish essay writing was this easy. Last year, I sat as the Vice President Communications on the Social Science Students’ Council and was pretty proud on the knowledge of the SSSC that I’ve amassed over the years. Whenever there was a question regarding policy or history of the SSSC, I was usually the first person to answer. As they say, those “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Running to replace Matt Helfand as the President of the Social Science Students’ Council are, in alphabetical order, Zoe Campbell, Lisa Le Nguyen, and Chris Williamson. Zoe and Lisa will have one year of experience as a voting member of the SSSC by April, while Chris will have none. But that didn’t stop Matt Helfand, who also came into the race with no experience, but quickly adapted into the position. But really, it’s not the path you take to get there, it’s the legacy you leave behind. Now for the skinny on the candidates and their platforms.

SSSC President

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So it begins…

So it begins, another election like the year before with some of the same plays, same moves and motives.

At the end of the day: will any of this really matter?

The unfortunate few who pull lower numbers will comfort themselves with the fact that this election is a blip on the radar of their lives. That with time and space they can go off to lick their wounds and forget the sting of the loss. Maybe this is comforting, and maybe it shows the bureaucracy and ineffectiveness of elections: maybe none of this matters.

We cling to ideas of change for today, hoping this will last until tomorrow and forgetting they will all eventually become yesterdays.

In reality: five years from now will erase faces, memories and little moments. Generations will pass and erode the existence of today. But the true reason why this matters is because there is this possibility of a legacy that we should believe in. As a population we should have faith in democracy and having our voice heard. If it is as simple as fixing a tiny inconvenience (like putting cell chargers in the UCC) or recognizing an invisible and voiceless minority on our campus: there is a potential to build a bigger picture. There is a possibility of creating a legacy.

It is terrifying to take that next step, to commit to being part of a movement instead of being stuck in inertia.

We are standing on the precipice of change.

One vote has power.

Every vote matters.

Get ready for one hell of a race Western.


The Devoted Team